Monday, October 15, 2012

Rock and Shock

Well we had a great time promoting Blood Was Everywhere at Worcester's Rock and Shock this past weekend. So great in fact that it's been a bit tough to decompress and revert back to real life and day time jobs. But we're adjusting...

We had quite a few people attend our screening on Sunday, more than typically happens for a Sunday afternoon, and what's more many people purchased the movie after they saw it. That's an endorsement in my book! In addition so many people came by to talk to us and tell us what they thought, ask questions, etc. People are reacting just the way we hoped they would which is very gratifying. As the movie is seen more and more I'm hoping to get people to talk about the movie and share what the think happens in the story. Once you start diving into the characters and the scenes and really pay attention to what's said the possibilities are endless. Jason and I talk about it all the time - even we don't know what the full story is.

One of the other great things about attending Rock and Shock was talking to all of the other vendors. We made many fantastic connections, including a company that publishes graphic novels who are local to us (a print sequel to BWE was something we've been talking about from the beginning) and an instrumental band we met last year who gave us a copy of their CD. I was listening to it on the way into work this morning and couldn't help wishing that we had a movie we could use the music in. Then I remembered....hmmm, God Is Alone? (Jason's second film). Who knows where that could lead. I'm already thinking about Rock and Shock 2013!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

BWEware the Ides of March...


Cable Car Cinema and Cafe
204 South Main Street
Providence, RI

Tickets are $9 in advance or $10 at the door (see payment link to the right). Note this is a small 100 seat theater. Advance reservations are strongly recommended. Arrive early to find on street parking.

This latest cut features a new sound edit, ending credits **plus** theatrical trailers by some local independent film makers. If you've been waiting to see us, this is the one you've been waiting for. If you're already a fan, come visit us again!