Thursday, June 10, 2010

Your note has been created. a magic number...

Yes it is. I've always been a person who recognizes the importance of the group vs. the individual. Meaning things happen better when you have individuals assembled together into a cohesive team, all working in tandem toward the same goal.

The other thing I've always known, however, is that a group will quickly fall apart without strong leadership to help guide its path. Say all you want about democracy, but I have lived the hell of too many cooks, too many opinions, too many "fuckin' Napoleans" as Ani DiFranco would say. People need a place to go to do a sanity check, air grievances, and get some direction about which way the boat should be steered. Without this you can't possibly have a real team. Someone's gotta lead it.

For a long time, that person has been me, myself and I. I've been the one calling the shots, making the cuts and resolving the conflicts between people. I've been the last stop for every question, complaint and grievance. It's been flattering at times to be the hub in every wheel. But keep watching the spokes spin around you long enough and you're bound to get pretty damned dizzy.

Then I started making this movie. And found I didn't have to be me, myself and I any more. I could be Jason, J and I! The three of us have formed a production trifecta, a three headed creature where I am the business, J is the technical and Jason is the creative. And while each of us is involved in "everything," as producers must be to ensure we have the big picture always in mind, each of us sits in the hub of one little intersecting universe. No one person gets overwhelmed. Everyone stays engaged. And our team members know who to go to for what.

Where has this number been all my life?

I suppose in the end I'll still end up starring in "Sherrie in the Middle" a lot because that's just a role I think I was born to play. I have a knack for "interpersonal relationship management" (fancy!) and people seem to know it and gravitate toward it. But it's nice to know I have two other people I can lean on once in awhile.

Yeah. It's a magic number.


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